The School is affiliated to Gujarat Secondary Education Board, Gujarat government and we are preparing the students as per the guidelines decided by the board. GSEB is the premier and famous education board in Gujarat-India and has the status of an international board with which more than 2000 Schools from all over Gujarat are affiliated to.
The emphasis is being given both by GSEB and Dipak Shikshan Sankul to optimize the learning potential of every individual irrespective of complexity of variables inherent in their environment. While the courses are forward looking and provide a challenge for higher achievers, our system also caters to other categories of students and respect their varied aptitude and potential.
The focus is now being placed upon developing the critical and creative thinking, problems solving and decision making life skills of the learners from the early stages of schooling. This would ensure that they become holistic individuals.
GSEB approved education sections/class at Dipak Shikshan Sankul:
- Pre Primary (Class Junior KG to Senior KG Nursery)
- Primary (Class I to IV - 1 to 4)
- Upper Primary (Class V to VIII - 5 to 8)
- Secondary (Class IX to X - 9 to 10)
- Higher Secondary (Class XI to XII - 11 to 12) Science/Commerce