The school has Pre-Primary, Primary, Upper Primary and secondary education sections with total school strength being around more than 2000 students.
Please find below the Courses of Study as per class/standard

Pre Primary (Junior KG to Senior KG)

KG - 1 (Balvarg-1)

KG - 2 (Balvarg-2)

Primary (Std. I to IV - 1 to 4)

STD - 1

STD - 2

STD - 3

STD - 4

Upper Primary (Std. V to VIII - 5 to 8)

STD - 5

STD - 6

STD - 7

STD - 8

Secondary (Std. IX to X - 9 to 10)

STD - 9

STD - 10

Higher Secondary Commerce (Std. XI to XII - 11 to 12)

STD - 11

STD - 12

Higher Secondary Science (Std. XI to XII - 11 to 12)

STD - 11

STD - 12